The “Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders” was invented and developed by e.g. Emil Wilhelm Magnus Georg Kraepelin (1856-1926) and at a later moment, Burrhus Friedrich Skinner (1904-1990) joined that group. Kraepelin’s Classification System was the foundation for the modern DSM-MD as we know it.
It was the start of dehumanizing human beings by introducing Statistics within subjective behavior as the primary tool to determine progress. The American Psychiatrist Irvin Yalom was one of the first proactive persons who warned the world about this unethical shift from pure intuitive empathy into cognitive intuition (Immanuel Kant) neglecting pure human emotions having their causes as the foundation that people suffered from. To my opinion during more than thirty years Intelligence development aka Consciousness increasement it is about the integral processes based on pure intuition; the introspective version. All has to do with the question of life: ”Why am I here?” as the basic but forgotten question within the Psychiatry according to Irvin Yalom as the first Psychosopher and according to me being the second one in the world. Click <here> for purchasing this full color book of 318 pages (was 156) pages personally. ISBN 978-1-326-87372-1 Fixed price € 49,50 (all in through transition, Paypal or cash) |