This little book is a review from the book “What is Life?” written by the physicist named Erwin Schrödinger. Comprehending the “Cat of Schrödinger” concept since 2008 I read about it for the first time and it still confuses me in a certain way. It is an addition of probabilities and occurrences. Maybe Schrödinger had explained it excellently and is it the limited interpretation of his readers who repeat this thinking concept the way they comprehend it and reproduce it on paper to me. So I started to do my own research. In a way this little book of Schrödinger is strongly fact based within the faculty ‘Biology’ and it shows another side of his talent while overcoming the possible limitations of Quantum Mechanics. My review has become a small book from my side. To reconsider the essences of Schrödinger’s within his ‘What is Life? concepts’ continuing the a diversity of concepts. This book is part 2 of the diptych of two books; “Proprioception”. Here you have my creation. Click <here> for purchasing this full color book personally. Ask for a discount wishing to have both books at the same time. ISBN 978-1-312-02396-3. Fixed price € 31,25 (all in & within NL through Paypal or cash) |